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Counter strike 1.6 kode

Download Counter strike 1.6 kode

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Counter Strike TutorialsWelcome, Players!I made this blog because I am great fan of this game. Find all those help, tips & tricks in this blog to help you through the game. Send me a message for any criticsm or comments to make this blog your favorite site ever!Contact Me : Counter strike : Condition zero CD key [ original ]� 5rp2e-eph3k-br3lg-kmgde-fn8py� 5RP2E-EPH3K-BR3LG-KMGTE-FN8PY� 5Z62E-94JDV-79NAM-ZJVE6-ARBWY� 5Z82G-NP2YH-22NIV-ITXEL-WYAKX� 5zc2f - kzzr7 - 4527r - f26lw - vr2wb� 5Z522-HK3KP-RPR6K-YCXP3-C6DMT � 5RP2E-EPH3K-BR3LG-KMGTE-FN8PY� 5ZN2A-JBSCK-SWYYI-DPHK6-CK3JX� 5ZN2F-C6NTT-ZPBWP-L2DWQ-Y4B49� 58V2E-CCKCJ-B8VSE-MEW9Y-ACB2K� 5ZK2G-79JSD-FFSFD-CF35H-SDF4A� 5Z62E-79JDV-79NAM-ZGVE6-ARBWY� 5ZQ2A-NI239-4F4K7-H9N8Q-VTSYT � Advanced Strategies (1)� amxmodx (3)� Binding Guide (1)� Bunny Hop Tutorials (1)� CD KEY (1)� cheat (1)� Commands (6)� counter strike source (1)� Counter-Strike banned in Brazil (1)� crosshair hack (1)� CS Switch Hand (1)� CSDoS (1)� css for mac (1)� css tutorial (2)� Downloads (1)� Female Hostage (1)� Gaming hardwere (1)� guide (1)� hack (2)� help (3)� HL booster Tutorials (1)� HLTagconverter Demo (1)� HLTagconverter Download (1)� HLTagconverter tutorials (1)� info (6)� Lag?

(2)� Physical Counter Strike (1)� playing with Consistency (1)� screenshot (1)� server (5)� Sniping (1)� spray (1)� Steam Download (1)� Tips (10)� tricks (1)� Tutorial (12)� Valve Corporation (1)� weapons (11) ��2009(74)�>July(2)��June(10)� Counter Strike Switch hand� Free Steam Download - Counter Strike Game� Counter-Strike Source Now Available For Mac, Patch.� FPS title Counter-Strike and MMORPG Everquest have.� HL booster Tutorials help� HltagConverter Tutorials demo� HltagConverter Free Download� HltagConverter Tutorials With Demo� Counter Strike Cd Key� playing with Consistency in counter strike source .�>May(13)�>April(9)�>March(11)�>February(21)�>January(8) Error 403 : Access DeniedThe access to this location( /halflife-cstrike/cheats/pc/)is denied.Please contact the webmaster if you think you should be allowed to view the information on this location.Otherwise, please return to the page you were at before. Cfar ndodhKodi$16,000impulse101Ndrysho gravitetin (fluturo)sv_gravity�<-999 � 999999>Arctic sniper rifle givespaceweapon_awpAuto-aim with sniper riflesv_aimAuto-reload disabled-reloadAuto-reload enabled+reloadNdrysho ngyren e shinjestresadjust crosshairNdrysho personinskinNdalon qe shinjestra te zmadhohetcrosshair�<1-5>Faster backwards motioncl_backspeed 999Faster forward motioncl_forwardspeed 999Faster side motioncl_sidespeed 999Get indicated itemgiveHyper auto-aim disabledsv_clienttrace 0000Hyper auto-aim enabledsv_clienttrace 9999Level selectchangelevelReveal how much time is left on the maptimeleftSee and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600gl_zmax<0-9999>See things brightly without flashlightlambert -1.0001Set freeze period at the start of rounds.

Set to 0 to disable, default is 6(For use on server machine only)mp_freezetimeSet maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5(For use on server machine only)mp_roundtime�<3-15>Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0(For use on server machine only)mp_timelimitSetC4 timermp_c4timer�<1-100>Toggle auto-help kdoe messages, default is 1ah�<0 or 1>Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1cl_observercrosshair�<0 or 1>Toggle flashlight use, default is 1(For use on server machine only)mp_flashlight�<0 or 1>Toggle footsteps, default is 1(For use on server machine only)mp_footsteps�<0 or 1>Toggle friendly fire(For use on server machine only)mp_friendlyfire�<0 or 1>Toggle graphnet_graph�<0 or 1>Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1dm�<0 or 1>Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0ghosts�<0 or 1>Unbind key commandunbindView other players� fragscl_hidefrags 0Whiten all surroundings at 800?600 resolutionr_lightmap 1Kodet per armet (thejsht vendosni � give� perpara) � give weapon_ak47� Emri i armesKodiAK-47weapon_ak47Articweapon_awpBenneli xm1014weapon_xm1014Bomb defuserweapon_defuserC4weapon_c4Colt M4a1 carbineweapon_m4a1Commandoweapon_sg552Desert eagleweapon_deagleDual Berettasweapon_eliteFlashbangweapon_flashbangFn P90weapon_p90Glock 18 pistolweapon_glock18H&K Sniper Rifleweapon_g3sg1HE grenadeweapon_hegrenadeKevlar Vestweapon_kevlarM3 super shotgunweapon_m3MAC-10weapon_mac 10MP5weapon_mp5navyNightvision gogglesweapon_nightvisionParaweapon_m249SIG p228weapon_p228Scoutweapon_scoutSig 550weapon_sig550Smoke grenadeweapon_smokegrenadeSteyr Augweapon_augUmp.45weapon_ump45Usp.45 pistolweapon_uspNdrysho pamjen (vendos � skin� perpara) � skin terror� Emri i pamjesKodiArabarabArcticarcticGSG9gsg9GuerrillaguerrillaHostagehostageSASsasSEALsealTerroristterrorVIPvipKodet qe mund te perdoren ne nje klde qe lejon kodet orangk-400darkkriss s.v.dsv_full health 123Full health33up643Max ammocs_maxplayerHave oode players in the gamenoclipmake you move anywhere fasternotargetnobody can see you$16.000impluse101Gjate luajtjes offline sv_full health 123Full health33up643Max ammocs_maxplayerHave more players in the gamenoclipmake you move anywhere fasternotargetnobody can see yousv_airaccelerate -20u go really fast while in the airadd_bot in ctit add a player stroke counteradd_bot in tit add a player in terrorhud_fastswitch (0 or 1)Toggles fast switching of weapons.

For the number kodw either 1 to turn it on or 0 to turn it off. Pages� Help For PC� Kode per LojraRecent Posts� Make games Run�faster� Make a Pc run�Faster� How to open a cs server for�Windows� Kode per Cunter Kode e Grand Theft Auto San�AndreasArchives� August 2012Categories� UncategorizedMeta� Register� Log in� Entries RSS� Comments RSS� WordPress.comBlog Stats� 63,182 hits Linku Wallkackut : :Alan Walker - Fade [NCS Release]The music is provided by NoCopyrightSoundsMusic link : go to Alan WalkerAlan Walker? Facebook SoundCloud Twitter YouTube mode Per Counter Strike WaRzOnE AIMBOTCS 1.6 Qica per me pa ne mur shqipQica Per counter strike 1.6 WallhackSi te shkarkojm qica per 16 Strike 1.6 freeQica Per Cs 1.6 No Virusconter strike 1.6 shifra - ecc 5.2Qica per cs 2016Si te shkarkojme qica per cs 1.6 2014Qica per Counter Strike 1.6Qica Per Cs 1.6 Steam/Cheat For Cs 1.6 Koe Strike 1.6 BEST CHEAT T-ManBlue SEa HOW TO USE IT TOTURIAL!Counter-Strike 1.6 Tricks & CodesCounter strike 1.6 CHEAT?!

BIOTECK HACK | HNS CHEATCounter-Strike 1.6 Consolen tricks 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. Cheat CodesPress ~ to enter the console on the server machine and type sv_cheats 1 or sv_ 1. Then, change maps by typing changelevel dust (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Note: Some codes have been changed or removed with various patch updates for the game. CodeEffectimpulse101$16,000pausable1= enables pausing(not reccomended)mp_allowmonsters1= single player enemies koee onmp_flashlight1=flashlight onsv_clipmode1=no clippingmp_autokick1=turn on auto kick in gamesv_bounce???unknownsv_gravity <-999 - 999999>Adjust gravitygl_zmax <0-9999>Adjust wall and object density; default is 3600sv_clienttrace 999999999All mode will hit, default is 1sv_wateraccelerate 999Allows to walk faster in waterhud_fastswitch counter strike 1.6 kode or 1)Allows you to toggle switching weapons fastergive spaceweapon_awpArctic sniper riflesv_aimAuto-aim with sniper rifle-reloadAuto-reload disabled+reloadAuto-reload enabledadjust crosshairChange crosshair colorskinChange skinsmp_startmoneychange your starting money in-game!crosshair <1-5>Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting-graphDisables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on.gl_spriteblend <0-1>Enables blood thickeningdecalfrequency 0Enables unlimited sprayingsv_airaccelerate -9999Fast Jumpingcl_backspeed 999Faster backwards motioncl_forwardspeed 999Faster forward motioncl_sidespeed 999Faster side motiongiveGet indicated itemsv_clienttrace 0000Hyper auto-aim disabledsv_clienttrace 9999Hyper auto-aim enabledchangelevelLevel selectcvarlist or cmdlistList cheat commands, press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scrollGodMakes you invincibletimerefreshRefreshes time on the console.timeleftReveal how much time is left on the mapgl_zmax 0See and fire through walls and objectslambertSee things brightly without flashlightmp_freezetimeSet freeze period at the start of rounds.

Set to 0 to disable, default is 6/1sv_maxspeedset max running speedmp_roundtime <3-15>Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 51mp_timelimitSet minutes between map rotations, default is 01mp_c4timer <1-100>SetC4 timersv_acceleratesets accelerationsv_airacceleratesets how fast you accelerate in airsv_wateracceleratesets how fast syrike accelerate in watersv_stopspeedsets how fast you stop runningmp_roundtimesets round timesv_waterfrictionsets the friction in watersv_frictionsets the friction of the gamecoopsets the mode to co-opdeathmatchsets the mode to deathmatchmp_c4timersets time on C4 chargemp_buytimesets time to buy items-numericpingShow ping as numbers+graphShows a little information on the very bottom right of your screennet_addressShows server IP and porthud_deathnoticetime 9999Shows the last 4 kills of either teammp_startmoney 16000Start with 16000killSuicidesv_restartround 1The kpde restarts after 1 secondah <0 or 1>Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1>Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1mp_flashlight <0 or 1>Toggle flashlight use, default is 1/1mp_footsteps <0 or 1>Toggle footsteps, default is 1/1mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1>Toggle friendly firenet_graph <0 or 1>Toggle graphdm <0 or 1>Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1ghosts <0 or 1>Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0unbindUnbind key commandcl_hidefrags 0View other players' fragsr_lightmap 1Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution WeaponsIn order to get a certain weapon listed below without buying them, press the ~ key and type in ''sv_cheats 1'', then use one of the following codes with ''give (weapon code)'' for example ''give vounter to get an arctic sniper rifle.

Note that some of the codes may not work in the other game versions. CodeEffectweapon_ak47gives AK-47weapon_awpgives Arcticspaceweapon_awpgives Arctic Sniper Rifleweapon_xm1014gives Benelli xm1014weapon_defusergives Bomb Defuserweapon_m4a1gives Colt M4a1 Carbineweapon_sg552gives Commandoweapon_deaglegives Desert Eagleweapon_elitegives Dual Berretasweapon_flashbanggives Flashbangweapon_p90gives Fn P90weapon_glock18gives Glock 18 pistolweapon_g3sg1gives H&K Sniper Rifleweapon_hegrenadegives HE Grenadeweapon_kevlargives Kevlar Vestweapon_m3gives M3 Super Shotgunweapon_mac 10gives MAC-10weapon_mp5navygives MP5weapon_nightvisiongives Nightvision gogglesweapon_m249gives Paraweapon_scoutgives Scoutweapon_sig550gives SIG 550weapon_p288gives SIG p288weapon_smokegrenadegives Smoke grenadeweapon_auggives Steyr Augweapon_ump45gives Ump.45weapon_uspgives Usp.45 Console information as nameif you change your counter strike 1.6 kode to one of the following then whenever you die a long stream of words will show up instead of your name.

This is because it is the code f���� ��������� ��? �� �?������ Counter Strike 1.6-� �?� �������� ������ ����������� �?���� �����. ���� ���������� ��� ������ ����� ���?? �� ������ ���������� ��� ���������� ?���������??� �������� Pink VIEW ALL ������ ���� ������ 5 ������ �?������� SKIP AD ������ ?������????Thank u koce visiting our site??��� ������� ����� ����� ��������Like Like Notepad ���� ������� �������� ������� ��� ������ ��������� ����� �� Tuvshee.cfg ��� ���� ������ Counter Strike 1.6 ������ �������� ����� CSTRIKE ������� �������CS 1.6 ��� ����������� console ������ exec tuvshee.cfg ���� cfg ����� ������ ����� ?��? ������ � ������Like Like Search for: Social� View tuvshinsanaa.tuvshee�s profile on Facebook� View luckytuvshee�s profile on Twitter� View luckytuvshee�s profile on Instagram� View luckytuvshee�s profile on Pinterest� View luckytuvshee�s profile on GitHub� View UCsE_HJuu_YsqYEU9MVDqWYw�s profile on YouTube� View luckytuvshee�s profile on Vimeo� View 103305338439509329332�s profile on Google+ ����������Recent Posts� Counter Strike 1.6: ������ ������ �������?� [HACK] �����??���� Like, Comment, Follow ������������ Android: ��������� Keyboard ������ ������ ����������� iDealShare VideoGo 6 +�Serial� Aegisub: MP4-�?? �?��??��� (Video�Tutorial)Recent CommentsHank on Counter Strike 1.6: ������ ���LuckyTuvshee on No Recoil CFG for Counter Stri�Coo on No Recoil CFG for Counter Stri�LuckyTuvshee on Counter Strike 1.6 Red and Bla�????

on Counter Strike 1.6 Red and Bla� 403 Forbidden 403 ForbiddenAccessing this page is forbidden because the IP address you're using has recently been used for spam-related purposes. For more information, please see: Counter Strike 1.6 Cheat Codes Airfare Daily Deals eCigarettes Eyeglasses Hotels Jewelry Online Backup Online Dating Online Printing Online Tickets Skin Care Textbook Rentals Vitamins Web Hosting Weddings Top-Rated Coupons on Shoes & Sandals Counter strike 1.6 NOTE: All codes must be entered from the Host computer Activate the console on the server machine (~) and type "sv_cheats 1" to enable the following codes Arctic sniper rifle: givespaceweapon_awp Auto-aim with sniper rifle: sv_aim Adjust gravity: sv_gravity (-999 - 999999) See counterr fire through walls and objects: gl_zmax (0-9999) View other players' frags: cl_hidefrags 0 Faster forward motion: cl_forwardspeed 999 Faster backwards motion Code. Counter strike 1.6NOTE: All codes must be entered from the Host computerActivate the console on the server machine (~) and type "sv_cheats 1"to enable the following codesArctic sniper rifle: givespaceweapon_awpAuto-aim with sniper rifle: sv_aimAdjust gravity: sv_gravity (-999 - 999999)See and fire through walls and objects: gl_zmax (0-9999)View other players' frags: cl_hidefrags 0Faster forward motion: cl_forwardspeed 999Faster backwards motion Code: cl_backspeed 999Faster side motion Code: cl_sidespeed 999Level select Code: changelevelWeapon select Code: giveUse one of the following entries with the 'give' code to get the corresponding weapon.AK-47weapon_ak47Benneli xm1014weapon_xm1014C4weapon_c4Colt M4a1 carbineweapon_m4a1Commandoweapon_sg552Fn P90weapon_p90Glock 18 pistolweapon_glock18HE grenadeweapon_hegrenadeM3 super shotgunweapon_m3MAC-10weapon_mac 10MP5weapon_mp5navyParaweapon_m249Scoutweapon_scoutSIG p228weapon_p228Steyr Augweapon_augDesert eagleweapon_deagleUsp.45 pistolweapon_uspOther Counter Strike 1.6 Cheat CodesAuto-reload enabledCode: +reloadAuto-reload disabledCode: -reloadChange skinsCode: skinUse the following skin names with 'skin' code: Arab - arabArctic - arcticGSG9 - gsg9Guerrilla - guerrillaHostage - hostageSAS - sasSEAL - sealTerrorist - terrorVIP - vipSee things brightly without flashlightCode: lambert -1.0001SetC4 timerCode: mp_c4timer (-1000-1000)Hyper auto-aim enabledCode: sv_clienttrace 999999999Hyper auto-aim disabledCode: sv_clienttrace 1Get $16,000Code: impulse101Splatter bones and body tissueCode: impulse102 (or impulse202)Set freeze period at the start of rounds.

Set to 0 to disable (default is 6)Code: mp_freezetime (#)Set maximum length in minutes a round can last (default is 5)Code: mp_roundtime (3-15)Toggle auto-help hint messages (default is 1)Code: ah (0)Toggle crosshairs in observer mode (default is 1)Code: cl_observercrosshair (0)Toggle flashlight use (default is 1)Code: mp_flashlight (0)Toggle footsteps counteg is 1)Code: mp_footsteps (0)Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolutionCode: r_lightmap 1Turn off texturesCode: gl_picmic 3TipsBuy ArmorBuy a Kevlar vest if you have enough money.

This could save you from dieing very greatly.CrouchingCrouching will not only steady your weapon and give you better accuracy, it will lower your profile a little and make you a smaller target. When you are being shot at from far away founter crouch to get the target easily.Flash GrenadesThese grenades come in handy when you need to make a quick retreat or create a distraction. Just remember not to flash your team.GravityIf you decide to use sv_gravity command do not go farther then 2000, because going down a step may kill you, and at 4000, since you start the game in the air and countdr fall you will dieSilence a WeaponTo silence a weapon (maverick and counter terrorist pistol) right click while holding the weapon and it will be silenced.Special Bomb DefuseIf the T's have planted the bomb on the crates, de_dust them to defuse it without jumping onto the crate: Go up to the crate with the bomb, look up and face it and hold use.Strategic JumpingWhen you know there are snipers targeting you, it's important to move around as much as possible.

Jumping, but not too regularly, can force the enemy to aim vertically as well as horizontally, or it can, if you're lucky, turn what would have been a head shot into something a little less damaging.Take CoverUse crates and other objects to protect you.

It helps to have a well known spot where you can completely disappear to reload if necessary. Keep in mind that some of the more powerful striks in Counter Strike can shoot right through certain walls and objects.CheatsFaster Forward MotionFaster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999.Gravity ChangeFirst of all to do this cheat correctly, it may work on CS 1.0 but 1.5 or 2.0 will work.

Ok you will need to press "~" key and type in sv_gravity and a number between (0-8000 to be exact) for example if starting from 0 it will be the highest jumps ever but if it is 8000 then no jumping aCounter Strike PC Game Cheat : Arctic sniper rifleCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : countdr Strike PC Game Cheat : Auto-aim with sniper rifleCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : sv_aimCounter Strike PC Game Cheat : Adjust gravityCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : sv_gravity (-999 - 999999)Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : See and fire through walls and objectsCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : gl_zmax (0-9999)Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : View other players' fragsCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_hidefrags 0Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster forward motionCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_forwardspeed 999Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster backwards motionCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_backspeed 999Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster xounter motionCounter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_sidespeed 999Counter Strike Cheat : Level selectCounter Strike Cheat Code : changelevelCounter Strike Cheat : Weapon selectCounter Strike Cheat Code : give����� �������� ?��? give ��� ������ �� �������� ������ ���� ciunter ����� ��: give weapon_ak47AK-47weapon_ak47Benneli xm1014weapon_xm1014C4weapon_c4Colt M4a1 carbineweapon_m4a1Commandoweapon_sg552Fn P90weapon_p90Glock 18 pistolweapon_glock18HE grenadeweapon_hegrenadeM3 super shotgunweapon_m3MAC-10weapon_mac 10MP5weapon_mp5navyParaweapon_m249Scoutweapon_scoutSIG p228weapon_p228Steyr Augweapon_augDesert eagleweapon_deagleUsp.45 pistolweapon_usp����� Counter Strike 1.6 ���� ���������������� ��������Counter Strike Cheat Code : +reload���������� ����������� ��������Counter Strike Cheat Code : -reload���� ??���?������ �������� ?��? skin ��� ������ ��������� ��������� ���� ??���?��?�? ����� ��: skin arabArab - arabArctic - arcticGSG9 - gsg9Guerrilla - guerrillaHostage - hostageSAS - sasSEAL - sealTerrorist - terrorVIP - vipSee things brightly without flashlightCounter Strike Cheat Code : lambert -1.0001SetC4 timerCounter Strike Cheat Code : mp_c4timer (-1000-1000)Hyper auto-aim enabledCounter Strike Cheat Code : sv_clienttrace 999999999Hyper auto-aim disabledCounter Strike Cheat Code : sv_clienttrace 1Get $16,000Counter Strike Cheat Code : impulse101Splatter bones and body tissueCounter Strike Cheat Code : impulse102 (or impulse202)Set freeze period at the start of rounds.

Set to 0 to disable (default is 6)Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_freezetime (#)Set maximum length in minutes a round can last (default is 5)Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_roundtime (3-15)Toggle auto-help hint strije (default is 1)Counter Strike Cheat Code : ah (0)Toggle crosshairs in observer mode (default is 1)Counter Strike Cheat Code : cl_observercrosshair (0)Toggle flashlight use (default is 1)Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_flashlight (0)Toggle footsteps (default is 1)Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_footsteps (0)Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolutionCounter Strike Cheat Code : r_lightmap 1Turn off texturesCounter Strike Cheat Code : gl_picmic 3 �[3]21�Tushig (�����)skin bolj bnuu ??

65. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 admin.cfg (�����)sain chanariin CFG mongoor niij ogno.BaS hun bolgon meddeggui sain ondog kod mongoor zaajogno ?????? utas 88647775 zalga msj bich 66. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 admin.cfg (�����)sain chanariin CFG mongoor niij ogno.BaS hun bolgon countre sain ondog strrike mongoor zaajogno ?????? utas 88647775 zalga msj bich 67. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 ENHORGIL (�����)n ajildag yumuu kod 68. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 cfg.ondog kod zaaj ogno (�����)CFG mongoor niij ogh buyu ondog kod zaaj ogno mongooryTac:::: 88647775 zalga msj bich 69.

2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 kill bob (�����)namaig tiim sonin zuil bichsend uuchil 70. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� striike "BanE"_LoRd (�����)za yahuu de.l umm bna 71. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 byaraa (�����)connect gej orooroi bi counteriin kodiig bichsen byo bna counter strike 1.6 kode.

2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 t ara (�����)namaig in sonjuu gedeg bi mongold irsendee byarlaj bna bi mongol huneer countre heleh zuilee bichuulj bna 73. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 jdhgerk jh yg tyu ftyed tyhj gtu (�����)trhyrt try ty thr rthy rsrt 74.

2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 jon (�����)ggthsduiui r5ui m5iwo rui r uruhaui rhtaru thrutfhrae arhur ughreug hfdjhaier hfkgharui ghfjghrrtaetreterrrrreyw5y6j5tew4rjw4tweji45thj43rj34tn4tj4w3jt43tj4jt4j4j4j4j4j4j444j4ty57tysmtymyyft,u78645684568456864658646456846546846867897977987987986546532354862679676+279696767826767672581+1_2tymdktymdtrgmmhtrmytr 75.

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2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 dog days (�����)ih kod ene delhiin buh kodiig bicheerei 79. 2014 ��� 09-� ����� 01 battseren (�����)mongoo shuud hel h

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