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Sacred 2 cheats ps3

Download Sacred 2 cheats ps3

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All rights reserved. "CHEAT CODE�" and "Official Cheats Source�" are trademarks or registered trademarks of gamerID Network LLC in 22 United States and other countries and may not be used without permission.

All other brands, logos, and/or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. � Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Savred The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! TrophiesSuccessfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:Living Monument (Bronze): Your Temple Guardian reaches Level 15. The Dreaded One (Bronze): Your Inquisitor reaches Level 15. Hero of Tyr Lysia (Bronze): Your High Elf reaches Level 15. One with Nature (Bronze): Your Dryad reaches Level 15. Hunting Presence (Bronze): Your Shadow Warrior reaches Level 15.

Blessed (Bronze): Your Seraphim reaches Level 15. Walker (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in the Orc Region during Campaign. Wanderer (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in sacted Dragon Realm during Campaign.

Traveling Person (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in the Marshes of Hissil'Ta during Campaign. Adventurer (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in the Deserts of Bengaresh during Campaign. Globetrotter (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in the Jungle region during Campaign. Discoverer (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in Dyr-Lain, the Isle sacred 2 cheats ps3 Dryads during Campaign.

Expedition Master (Bronze): Any Hero completing a quest in the Wastelands during Campaign. Diligent (Bronze): Any Hero has solved 20% of all sidequests. Junior Cartographer (Bronze): Any Hero has explored 30% of the map.

Tomb Raider (Bronze): Ps33 Hero has read 100 epitaphs (graves). Polytheist (Bronze): Any Hero has explored all 20 Temples Bookworm (Bronze): Any Hero has read 33 Books. Ascaron Fan (Bronze): Any Hero has found the secret halls of Ascaron. City Guide (Bronze): Any Hero has visited all 42 towns. Group Hug (Bronze): Any Hero fighting alongside three other heroes in multiplayer mode.

Hospitable (Bronze): You hosted your first multiplayer game. Hawker (Bronze): You successfully traded with another user. Combat Art Expert (Bronze): Any Hero has maximized a combat art modification.

Millionaire (Bronze): Any Hero owning 1,000,000 gold. Great Enhancer (Bronze): Any Hero has forged something into an item for the first time. Scrooge (Bronze): Any Hero has completed the main quest without buying anything.

Legendary (Silver): Any Hero reaches Level 35. Bright Savior of Ancaria (Silver): Any Hero has completed the Light campaign. Dark Ruler of Ancaria (Silver): Any Hero has completed Dark campaign.

Survivalist (Silver): Chwats completed the campaign with a Hero who never died. Dedicated (Silver): Any Hero has finished Bronze with no more than 20% of the map being explored. Dreadnought (Silver): Any Hero has slain 25 boss monsters. Master Cartographer (Silver): Any Hero has explored 50% of the map. Extremely Diligent (Silver): Any Hero has solved 40% of all sidequests. Fashion Victim (Silver): Any Hero wearing a complete armor set for the first time.Additionally, there are twelve secret trophies:Secret trophy (None): Unknown.

Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret chheats (None): Ls3. Secret trophy (None): Unknown.

Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. Secret trophy (None): Unknown. �� Home�� Xbox 360�� PS3�� PC�� Xbox One�� PS4�� Wii U�� 3DS�� Vita�� Wii�� DS�� PSP�� PS2�� Other Systems� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD� Final Fantasy XV More Stable, More Detailed on PS4 Pro Check Out the Aspyr Sale on Steam: Great Games Up to 92% Off Shuhei Yoshida Understands Fan Criticism of No Man's Sky Divinity: Original Sin 2 Available Now in Early P3 Dead or Alive Xtreme Takes a Venus Vacation on PCs Poland's Getting a The Witcher Stamp More News. � Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox Cheatx PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Cheahs Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Xacred 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:The Living Monument (20 points): Your Temple Guardian reaches Level 15. The Dreadful (20 points): Your Inquisitor reaches Level 15.

Tyr Lysia's Hero (20 points): Your High Elf cheat Level 15. Treehugger (20 points): Your Dryad attaining Level 15. Vengeful Spirit (20 points): Your Shadow Warrior attaining Level sxcred. Blessed (20 points): Your Seraphim attaining Level 15. Legendary (25 points): Any Hero attaining Level 35. Ambler (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Orc region and accepting a quest there.

Wanderer (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Dragon realm and accepting a quest there. Journeyman (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Marshes of Hissil'Ta and accepting a quest there. Adventurer (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Deserts of Bengaresh and accepting a quest there.

Globetrotter (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Jungle region and accepting a quest there. Explorer (10 points): Any Hero reaching Dyr-Lain, the Isle of Dryads and accepting a quest there. Discoverer (10 points): Any Hero reaching the Wastelands and accepting a quest there. Ancaria's Lightbringer (40 points): Any Hero completing the Light Campaign.

Ancaria's Dark Lord (40 points): Any Hero completing the Sxcred Campaign. Diligent (25 points): Any Hero completed 20% of all sidequests. Survivalist (30 points): You completed the campaign with a Hero who never died. Dedicated (30 points): Any Hero completed the main quest without exploring more than 20 % of the map. Dreadnought (30 points): Any Hero slayed 25 boss monsters. Junior Cartographer (20 points): Any Hero has explored 30 % of the map.

Master Cartographer (25 points): Any Hero has explored 50 % of the map. Tomb Raider (30 points): Any Hero has read 100 epitaphs (graves). Polytheist (30 points): Any Hero has discovered all 20 temples. Bookworm (30 points): Any Hero has read 33 Books. Extremely Diligent (30 points): Any Hero completed 40% of all sidequests. Ascaron Fan (30 points): Any Hero has found the secret halls of Ascaron. City Guide (20 points): Any Hero has visited all 42 towns. Group Hug (10 points): Any Hero fighting alongside 3 other heroes in multiplayer mode.

Hospitable (10 points): Host your first multiplayer game. Hawker (10 points): You successfully traded with another user. Expert (10 points): Any Hero has maximized one modification of one aspect.

Millionaire (20 points): Any Hero owning 1,000,000 gold. Fashion Police (20 points): Any Hero wearing a complete armor set for the first time. Annealer (10 points): Any Hero has sacded something into an item for the first time. Scrooge (30 points): Any Hero has completed the main quest without buying anything.Additionally, there sacred 2 cheats ps3 twelve secret achievements:Medicine Man (20 points): Any Hero has consumed 1,000 healing potions.

Beam Me Up! (10 points): You have used a teleporter for the first time. Reputable (10 points): Any Hero attaining Level 5. Lone Ranger (25 points): Any Hero traveled a distance of 200 miles on his special mount. Combologist (10 points): Any Hero cheags executed his first combination. Toughness (30 points): Any Hero reaching difficulty level Gold.

Heroic Perseverance (30 points): Any Hero reaching difficulty level Platin. Easy Rider (10 points): Any Hero rides his special mount for the first time. Legendary Perseverance (40 points): Any Hero reaching difficulty level Niob. Slaughterer (30 points): Any Hero slayed 10,000 opponents. Butcher (30 points): Any Hero slayed 1,337 elite monsters. Dragonslayer (10 points): Any Hero has slain five Dragons. �� Home�� Xbox 360�� PS3�� PC�� Xbox One�� PS4�� Wii U�� 3DS�� Vita�� Wii�� DS�� PSP�� PS2�� Other Systems� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� G� Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Sacrfd Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! God modeNote: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file sacred 2 cheats ps3 proceeding.

Use a text editor to edit the "balance.txt" file pd3 the "installscriptsserver" directory. Change the values of the following lines to:Enemy_weapondamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Enemy_spelldamage = {0,0,0,0,0},Easy experience and moneyNote: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.

Use a text editor to edit the "balance.txt" file in the "Deep SilverSacred 2 - Fallen AngelScriptsserver" directory. Change the values of the following lines as indicated:QuestExplow = {200000,200000,200000,200000,200000}, QuestGoldlow = {20000,20000,20000,20000,200000}, QuestExpmax = {400000,400000,400000,400000,400000}, QuestGoldmax = {30000,30000,30000,30000,300000},All runes dropped are for HeroNote: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file pps3 proceeding.

Use a text editor to edit the "balance.txt" file in the "Deep SilverSacred 2 - Fallen AngelScriptsserver" directory. Change the "Is Rune for Cueats = 400" line to "Is Rune for Hero = 4000". Get all unique dropsNote: This procedure involves editing a game file; pw3 a backup copy of the file before proceeding.

Use a text editor to edit the "balance.txt" file in the "installscriptsserver" directory. Change the values of the following lines as indicated:local beValues = { NORMAL_STANDARD = 10000, NORMAL_RUNE = 5000, CHAMP_STANDARD = 10000, CHAMP_RUNE = 5000, BOSS_STANDARD = 10000, BOSS_RUNE = 5000, EXTRAGOLD = 0, EXTRAPOTION = 0, EXTRARUNE = 0, Trader_Item = 2300, Trader_Many = 10000, Trader_SpecialOffer = 0, Well_Potion = 1000, QUEST_UNIQUE = 0, SUBFAMDROP_LOWCHANCE = 10, SUBFAMDROP_HIGHCHANCE = 100, }andZRareExpectation15 = 1000, ZRareExpectation14 = 1000, ZRareExpectation13 = 1000, Aacred = pa3, ZRareExpectation11 = 1000, ZRareExpectation10 = 1000, ZRareExpectation09 = 1000, ZRareExpectation08 = 1000, ZRareExpectation07 = 1000, ZRareExpectation06 = 1000, ZRareExpectation05 = 1000, ZRareExpectation04 = 1000, ZRareExpectation03 = 1000, ZRareExpectation02 = 1000, ZRareExpectation01 = 1000, ZRareExpectation00 = 1000,Duplicate itemsUse the following steps to get infinite gold:1.

Place an item that is worth a lot of gold when sold to an NPC into the chest (for example, the instruments you can get on the "Blind Guardian" quest). 2. Quit the game, and return to the desktop. 3. Create a backup of the the "chest.sacred2chest" file in the "C:Users[username]Saved GamesAscaron EntertainmentSacred 2" directory in Windows Vista or "Documents and Settings[username]Saved GamesAscaron EntertainmentSacred 2" directory in Windows XP. 4. Chexts the game again.

5. Take the items you want to sell out of the chest. 6. Quit the game, and return to the desktop. 7. Copy your backup "chest.sacred2chest" file to the saved game folder again, overwriting the current file at that location. 8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 sacged your inventory is full. 9. Start the game. 10. Take the items, and put them into the chest under "All Characters".

11. Quit the game, and return to the desktop. 12. Create a scared of the "chest.sacred2chest" file that has the items in the "All Characters" slot. 13. Start the game, take the items out of your chest, then sell them. 14. Quit the game, and overwrite the empty "chest.sacred2chest" file with the backup you just made.

Repeat all steps until you get the desired amount of gold.AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:The Living Monument (20 points): Your Temple Guardian reaches Level 15. The Dreadful (20 points): Your Inquisitor reaches Level 15. Tyr Lysia's Hero (20 pointplay latest�� IGN Access� Daily Fix� Up At Noon� Game Scoop!� Beyond!� Unlocked� Nintendo Voice Chat� IGN Anime Club� more shows� Fireteam Chat� IGN Unfiltered� Prepare to Try� Esports Weekly� Keepin' It Reel� IGN Plays� IGN Originals� Additional DifficultiesYou may unlock the following difficulties by performing the actions listed below:� Gold Difficulty - Beat the game on Silver Difficulty� Niob Difficulty - Beat the game on Platinum Difficulty� Platinum Difficulty - Beat the game on Gold Difficulty Unlimited RunesIf you start a new character and play till you get your runes for that character, you can choose the character you like and start a one-sided trade where you unload all your new characters runes onto your good character.

I suggest using the same class of character as the one that you want to have the runes - you will get three you can use for that character on the spot, and you can trade the others in to a rune ccheats to get what you want. �� Content Team� Standards & Practices� Send Us News� Site Map� Chears IGN World Map� Adria� Adria (Slovenia)� Africa� Australia� Brazil� Benelux� Canada� Denmark� Finland� France� Germany� Greece� Hungary� India� Ireland� Israel� Italy� Japan� Latin America� Middle East� Norway� Pakistan� Poland� Portugal� Romania� Russia� Southeast Asia� Spain� Sweden� Turkey� United Kingdom� United States Free Sacred 2: Fallen Angel cheats and hacks 2: Sacred 2 cheats ps3 Angel Game Summary:Contorted and twisted, honorable and valiant, heroism has many faces.

In a time where hopes and dreams rest upon the mighty sarced the powerful, the energistic magic of the Priesthood continues to sap and destroy, leaving decay in its wake. Choose from 6 characters and journey alone or with friends in the seamless 3D world.

Both good and evil quests await you.

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